
TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta20 – Announcements – TeamSpeak

We’re currently rolling out a new update with the following changes, the update should reach your client within the next hour.

- Animated content is stopped when TeamSpeak is not the active window
- BBCode parser supports additional tags in channel descriptions
- Release delay can be configured for push-to-talk
- Fixed a bug where ts3image:// URLs were not working properly
- Multiple performance improvements for reduced CPU and memory usage
- Several UI tweaks and improvements based on community feedback

Larger channel descriptions now display the same way as in previous betas, smaller ones will use the side by side layout.

Known issues

ts3image urls currently only work for file names in lowercase. Otherwise they will still display as broken image. (ie. file.png vs File.png)
The BBCode size tag ignores the +x / -x notation and uses a hardcoded size.
Channel descriptions in a certain length range may cause flickering between positions if the client window / the channel info panel is quite large.

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