
TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta59 – Announcements – TeamSpeak

Hello everyone!

Beta version 59 is now available to test! This time we worked on a mixture of fixes and improvements which cover a few different topics.

Hopefully the changelog should explain the update well enough.

Here is the full Changelog with all changes and fixes

- Fixed remote applications port not being saved
- Fixed ban client context menu not being shown when missing b_client_ban_create
- Fixed some icons being animated even when the client does not have the focus
- Fixed remote applications still being visible after removal
- Fixed disabling remote applications not doing anything
- Fixed event viewer pop-out not adjusting when resizing the server tree
- Fixed incoming pokes not being visible when hiding moderation events
- Hide channel create options when you cannot create a channel
- Improved behavior of links in pinned messages
- Improved remote applications event properties to be human readable
- Improved tooltips of sliders in audio settings
- Remote applications port is now set to default when input is cleared
- Updated chromium

Notes for this thread

  • Feedback as per always is welcome in this thread . Issues that are not related to this update belong to it’s own thread.
  • We suggest to place your wishes for upcoming releases in existing or new threads in the suggestion area instead of the release thread. We mention this because each update post will be closed after some days and the wish or suggestion could be lost.
  • We allow ourselves to delete all the off-topic posts from this thread.
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