
What is a Ventrilo Server?

And how does it benefit me?

Ventrilo (also known as Vent) is a voice communication program allowing users to connect to a central server and chat with other users much like a conference call. This is essentially voice over IP technology, and in video game terms can often mean the difference between a successful raid run and a complete wipe. Ventrilo is not free, however; the server is going to cost you. Prices range depending on how many slots (users) you need, average estimate is about 15.00USD per month per 30 slots. TeamSpeak is another option, and for non commercial end users it is free; if you want dedicated space however, dig out your wallet.

Then again, VOIP is certainly not exclusive to the video game world, there are many providers out there, and many free services that may meet your needs. Not everyone is going to require a 30 slot conference system, perhaps you only want to chat with 1 person at a time while questing! Windows Live messenger offers free pc to pc VOIP, and is compatible with many other instant messaging systems as well. The key point to keep in mind when using VOIP to communicate during gaming is to look for a program that requires minimal system resources to run; this will ensure that your game continues to run smoothly while chatting. It is also useful if the program itself has a manual sound quality control, allowing users on a slower internet connection to avoid in-game lag due to the VOIP.

In the end, utilizing a VOIP program can enhance your online gaming experience. Ventrilo is definitely one of the industry’s leading players but it is not your only option


Online Gaming – 10 Tips On How To Keep Your Clan Active

Causes of inactivity

“Know your enemy” as the old saying goes. If you want to use the right tool to counter inactivity, you will first have to find out what causes the inactivity and in which area. An example: if your clan members barely visit your clan website and forums, countering this with organising an internal ladder is not the best option: they won’t read the announcement for it. Better it would be to contact a few randomly selected members on an instant chat programme, i.e. MSN, ICQ and the like, and see what his or her personal interests are. With that knowledge, you will be able to group your clan members based on common interests. Thus starting a few forum topics which are related to their common interests usually cures the forum inactivity. Fact is: you will have to be creative to find the cause of an inactivity. Chances are slim a member will come to you with the message: “hi, you can cure my inactivity by installing a blog for me.” If it would only be so easy… 😉

10 tips to keep your clan active

This is probably the part of the text you are actually looking for. However, I would suggest reading this entire article as I cannot guarantee the following 10 tips will work if you simply use them as misguided missiles.

1. Host internal tournaments or ladders

Usually a never-ending, member-only ladder can be used as a preventive measure against inactivity. It keeps both the clan activity in-game and on-site — i.e. clan website — stable. This because members will play ladder games whenever they please, they will upload the result of the match as a recorded game, and they will comment on each others performances, strategies and the like.

2. Have weekly meetings with members

Many clan leaders underestimate the power of common conversation. Having a weekly or bi-weekly meeting with your clan members in a chatroom can do a lot of good to the morale — not to mention the sense of unity — amongst the participating members. Of course, you ought to invite your clan members on a voluntary basis. Try publishing the invitation for such a meeting on a place which your clan members visit often. I.e. if they do not check forums often, use word-of-mouth instead: tell one member you organise a meeting, and he will spread the word to fellow clan members he encounters. Have such a meeting in a chat app or a teamspeak programme — I personally prefer teamspeak above a chat window with my clan members as it raises the “sense of communicating with another human being” rather than reading some text off a chat window from a complete stranger.

3. Have on-going topics in your forums, i.e. “forum games”

Having one or, if you like, a few on-going topics in your clan forums usually causes both site visitors and clan members to return. Just Google for the words “forum games” and you should be finding yourself an ocean of examples. Just to pick one for the lazy ones out there: the never-ending story. One person posts a few lines of a made-up story, the next poster continues the story with his own few lines. This goes on and on. Not only this measure is considered fun by forum junkies and spammers — i.e. people who post awfully much — it also gets your clan members an opportunity to work together on something.

4. Have surveys and discussions

Not every clan leader is as talkative as your aunt is. For those who have no clue on how to start a conversation on a chat programme with your fellow clan members, a survey can be the solution. You could use a survey or a poll to find out what your members like, dislike, adore, hate and the like. All you have to do is create the poll, and design the voting options. If you are not familiar with creating an effective poll, then I would suggest to keep it basic. Give your voters three options: black, grey and white. Black being the hate or disliking something, grey being neutral about the issue, and white being a fan or in agreement of the matter at hand respectively. With polls you can usually launch a discussion to sort out why someone voted on a certain option. This deepens out the poll and can get you valuable information as a clan leader on the likes and dislikes of your clan members. Just make sure the discussion does not go off-topic, though!

5. Encourage the creation of interesting articles

This one sounds harder than it looks like. What it basically comes to is that you reward the members which are active in the game the clan is involved in. Active clan members have their own play style: they have considerable knowledge of the game they play, they know strategies, tricks and the like. Why not design a system which rewards those members by sharing their knowledge with their fellow clan members. The reward can be a small token of appreciation — usually this already is enough. Its kind of hard to describe, so you will basically have to see for yourself. For Legio Romana, I have such modest award system in place. I combined the Guild Roster with it. A member gets a “medal” next to his name for forum posts, articles written and other in-game achievements depending on the game your clan caters to.


Server 3.12.0 [Beta] – Announcements

Today we released a new server beta for our next server version.

Here is an overview for the scopes and the commands that can be used with these scopes
{ "apikeyadd",                   { manage_scope, } },
  { "apikeydel",                   { manage_scope, } },
  { "apikeylist",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "banadd",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "banclient",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "bandel",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "bandelall",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "banlist",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "bindinglist",                 { manage_scope, read_scope } },
  { "channeladdperm",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelclientaddperm",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelclientdelperm",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelclientpermlist",       { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelcreate",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channeldelete",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channeldelperm",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "channeledit",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channelfind",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupadd",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupaddperm",         { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupclientlist",      { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupcopy",            { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupdel",             { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupdelperm",         { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgrouplist",            { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgrouppermlist",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgrouprename",          { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelinfo",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channellist",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelmove",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channelpermlist",             { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientaddperm",               { manage_scope, } },
  { "clientdbdelete",              { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientdbedit",                { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientdbfind",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientdbinfo",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientdblist",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientdelperm",               { manage_scope, } },
  { "clientedit",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientfind",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetdbidfromuid",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetids",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetnamefromdbid",       { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetnamefromuid",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope,} },
  { "clientgetuidfromclid",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientinfo",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientkick",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientlist",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientmove",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientpermlist",              { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientpoke",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientsetserverquerylogin",   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientupdate",                { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complainadd",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complaindel",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complaindelall",              { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complainlist",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "custominfo",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "customsearch",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "customset",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "customdelete",                { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "ftcreatedir",                 not_supported },
  { "ftdeletefile",                not_supported },
  { "ftgetfileinfo",               not_supported },
  { "ftgetfilelist",               not_supported },
  { "ftinitdownload",              not_supported },
  { "ftinitupload",                not_supported },
  { "ftlist",                      not_supported },
  { "ftrenamefile",                not_supported },
  { "ftstop",                      not_supported },
  { "gm",                          { manage_scope, } },
  { "help",                        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "hostinfo",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "instanceedit",                { manage_scope, } },
  { "instanceinfo",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "logadd",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "login",                       not_supported },
  { "logout",                      not_supported },
  { "logview",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "messageadd",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "messagedel",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "messageget",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "messagelist",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "messageupdateflag",           { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "permfind",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permget",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permidgetbyname",             { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permissionlist",              { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permoverview",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permreset",                   { manage_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeyadd",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeydelete",          { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeylist",            { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeyuse",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "queryloginadd",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "querylogindel",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "queryloginlist",              { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope } },
  { "quit",                        not_supported },
  { "sendtextmessage",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servercreate",                { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverdelete",                { manage_scope, } },
  { "serveredit",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servergroupadd",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupaddclient",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupaddperm",          { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupautoaddperm",      { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupautodelperm",      { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupclientlist",       { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupcopy",             { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupdel",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupdelclient",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupdelperm",          { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergrouplist",             { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergrouppermlist",         { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergrouprename",           { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupsbyclientid",      { manage_scope, } },
  { "serveridgetbyport",           { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverinfo",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverlist",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "servernotifyregister",        not_supported },
  { "servernotifyunregister",      not_supported },
  { "serverprocessstop",           { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverrequestconnectioninfo", { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "serversnapshotcreate",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "serversnapshotdeploy",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverstart",                 { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverstop",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "servertemppasswordadd",       { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servertemppassworddel",       { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servertemppasswordlist",      { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "setclientchannelgroup",       { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "tokenadd",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "tokendelete",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "tokenlist",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "tokenuse",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "use",                         not_supported },
  { "version",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "whoami",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },

TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta23

We pushed out a new beta release.

  • You now can use hotkeys while another application is in fullscreen or uses admin permissions.
  • Free server now can be created or managed in the “Servers” tab.
  • Improved hotkey behavior in fullscreen applications
  • Hotkeys now also work in applications running as admin
  • Reworked user interface for free servers to be more robust
  • Performance improvements for contact lists and other areas
  • Fixed issue with image previews flickering
  • Image preview can be closed with the escape key, or by clicking outside
  • Editing channel descriptions should now be saved properly if you click the confirm button immediately
  • Fixed bug where hitting TAB could move scroll position
  • Minor tweaks to emoji handling and code blocks in chat input

Happy testing :smiley:

25 posts – 15 participants

Read full topic


TeamSpeak Server 3.12.x – Announcements

Today we released version 3.12.0 of our TeamSpeak server.

Docker users usually get their update within a day. So please be patient and wait at least 32 hours before reporting back to us.

Here is an overview for the scopes and the commands that can be used with these scopes
{ "apikeyadd",                   { manage_scope, } },
  { "apikeydel",                   { manage_scope, } },
  { "apikeylist",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "banadd",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "banclient",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "bandel",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "bandelall",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "banlist",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "bindinglist",                 { manage_scope, read_scope } },
  { "channeladdperm",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelclientaddperm",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelclientdelperm",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelclientpermlist",       { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelcreate",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channeldelete",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channeldelperm",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "channeledit",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channelfind",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupadd",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupaddperm",         { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupclientlist",      { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupcopy",            { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupdel",             { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgroupdelperm",         { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelgrouplist",            { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgrouppermlist",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelgrouprename",          { manage_scope, } },
  { "channelinfo",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channellist",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "channelmove",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "channelpermlist",             { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientaddperm",               { manage_scope, } },
  { "clientdbdelete",              { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientdbedit",                { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientdbfind",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientdbinfo",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientdblist",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientdelperm",               { manage_scope, } },
  { "clientedit",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientfind",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetdbidfromuid",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetids",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetnamefromdbid",       { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientgetnamefromuid",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope,} },
  { "clientgetuidfromclid",        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientinfo",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientkick",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientlist",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientmove",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientpermlist",              { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "clientpoke",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientsetserverquerylogin",   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "clientupdate",                { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complainadd",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complaindel",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complaindelall",              { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "complainlist",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "custominfo",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "customsearch",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "customset",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "customdelete",                { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "ftcreatedir",                 not_supported },
  { "ftdeletefile",                not_supported },
  { "ftgetfileinfo",               not_supported },
  { "ftgetfilelist",               not_supported },
  { "ftinitdownload",              not_supported },
  { "ftinitupload",                not_supported },
  { "ftlist",                      not_supported },
  { "ftrenamefile",                not_supported },
  { "ftstop",                      not_supported },
  { "gm",                          { manage_scope, } },
  { "help",                        { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "hostinfo",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "instanceedit",                { manage_scope, } },
  { "instanceinfo",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "logadd",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "login",                       not_supported },
  { "logout",                      not_supported },
  { "logview",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "messageadd",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "messagedel",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "messageget",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "messagelist",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "messageupdateflag",           { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "permfind",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permget",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permidgetbyname",             { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permissionlist",              { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permoverview",                { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "permreset",                   { manage_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeyadd",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeydelete",          { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeylist",            { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "privilegekeyuse",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "queryloginadd",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "querylogindel",               { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "queryloginlist",              { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope } },
  { "quit",                        not_supported },
  { "sendtextmessage",             { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servercreate",                { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverdelete",                { manage_scope, } },
  { "serveredit",                  { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servergroupadd",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupaddclient",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupaddperm",          { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupautoaddperm",      { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupautodelperm",      { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupclientlist",       { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupcopy",             { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupdel",              { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupdelclient",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupdelperm",          { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergrouplist",             { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergrouppermlist",         { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergrouprename",           { manage_scope, } },
  { "servergroupsbyclientid",      { manage_scope, } },
  { "serveridgetbyport",           { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverinfo",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverlist",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "servernotifyregister",        not_supported },
  { "servernotifyunregister",      not_supported },
  { "serverprocessstop",           { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverrequestconnectioninfo", { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "serversnapshotcreate",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "serversnapshotdeploy",        { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverstart",                 { manage_scope, } },
  { "serverstop",                  { manage_scope, } },
  { "servertemppasswordadd",       { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servertemppassworddel",       { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "servertemppasswordlist",      { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "setclientchannelgroup",       { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "tokenadd",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "tokendelete",                 { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "tokenlist",                   { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "tokenuse",                    { manage_scope, write_scope, } },
  { "use",                         not_supported },
  { "version",                     { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },
  { "whoami",                      { manage_scope, write_scope, read_scope, } },

TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.5.0 – Announcements

We just released a new bigger TS3 client update.

A lot has changed and a lot has been fixed and added into this version.

  • You can now connect to the free servers (generated in TS5 client)
  • Automatic voice volume leveling (AGC) is no longer a recording setting. We moved that feature into Playback.
    Clients with older version may not hear you as loud as before. Please tell them to update their client.
  • This versions adds a new settings for capture when using VAD.
    When updating old capture profiles the client will select Volume Gate.
    Automatic is selected for users without old config or when a new profile was created.
  • Multi track recording has been improved and a crash got fixed here
  • The Plugin API ws raised to 24 but client still will be able to use plugins that are build on version 23
  • A whisper bug where whispering user moved into unsubscribed channel (it’s not in the change log sorry)

More changes below :smiley:

=== Client Release 3.5.0 - 19 Mar 2020
! Updated Plugin API version to 24.
+ Added new voice activity detection modes (Automatic, Volume Gate, Hybrid).
+ Added automatic voice volume leveling option in playback settings.
+ Added typing attenuation feature to try to reduce the sounds made by typing.
+ Added comfort noise feature to add synthetic background noise to fill the 
  artificial silence while being connected to a TeamSpeak Server.
+ Added optional -connect commandline parameter to specify an address for 
  auto-connecting on startup (example: Some
  additional parameters can be used to provide more details (-pw, -nickname, 
  -channel, -channelid, -channelpw, -newtab, -mytsid, -showqueryclients, 
  -capture, -playback, -hotkeys).
+ Added support for upcoming TeamSpeak Server releases using a PostgreSQL
  database backend.
+ Added hotkeys to assign, revoke or toggle specific server groups based on 
  current group memberships (e.g. mute clients in a specific raid group).
+ Added volume toolbox widget for quick access to microphone volume gate,
  overall and individual client volume levels.
+ Added convenience variables and options to infoframe templates.
+ Added active badge showcase to client infoframe templates.
+ Added design option to show/hide client badges in server tree.
+ Added server/channel group icons to client context menus.
* Moved server/channel group IDs to tooltips in permission settings.
* Improved client context menu to filter inaccessible groups and permission
  related tools.
* Improved echo cancellation and noise reduction systems.
* Improved error handing for multi-track recording.
* Infoframe templates now support "??" modifier for variables to prevent their
  value from being shown so they can be used conditionally to determine whether
  or not a specific line should be hidden (e.g. %%??CLIENT_FLAG_AWAY%%).
* Remote icon list is now sorted by upload date/time rather than icon ID.
* Qt color roles can now be customized in themes (e.g. for hyperlinks).
- Removed AGC from audio capture settings in favour of playback AGC.
- Fixed a bug where mutli-track recordings could cause a crash when clients
  join or leave your channel.
- Fixed a bug where multi-track recordings were not saved on server shutdown.
- Fixed a bug where custom displaynames for clients were shown in infoframe
  even when it was equal to the nickname of the client in view.
- Fixed a bug where default capture/playback profiles could not be switched.
- Fixed a bug where deactivated plugins were loaded when launching the client.
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps.

You can download the update in the client by clicking on Help -> Check for updates.
The installer on our website and service page will be updated within next 24 hours.


TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta24 – Announcements – TeamSpeak

There are, or should I say, were three ways:
Sign in to beta (Unavailable).
Get a code from someone who got Beta codes and is willing to share one (Don’t buy them! Why you should pay when someone have these for free).
Follow TeamSpeak on facebook and twitter and count on your luck (Codes are one-time use so you need to be fast!).

Additionally, if you signed for beta and haven’t received your codes, you should contact Support.


TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.5.1 – Announcements

To add onto the above, this post is to clarify a few issues on some of the changes made in the recent client update for TS3.

AGC (automatic gain control) has been moved from being implemented on voice capture, to being implemented on the receiving side instead. This is why the sound may appear different to you at first. The reason why we have changed this is to standardize all input so you have the best listening experience no matter what other people’s setups are like. So, if your friends have anything from entry level to top of the range microphones; if they have their microphone setup correctly or if they have it setup incorrectly, it doesn’t matter. With AGC on, the client is going to give you the perfect sound. One of the features of AGC is to in essence, cap the limit of people’s volume. So if someone comes into your server screaming and shouting the AGC will normalize their volume level, it works the same if people are whispering. Ultimately if anyone has an improper setup, AGC will fix this.

With it being moved from the capture side to the receiving side, AGC working does depend on all of you being on the same version. So to eliminate any potential compatibility issues we need you all to update your client to 3.5.1 and also ensure your server is to up date. If you do this AGC will work as intended.

In addition to the above changes, we have also updated algorithms for Echo Cancellation. We added a slider for the Noise Suppression levels and also added new Typing Suppression. Voice Activity Detection now has both Automatic and Hybrid modes. A quick note on the difference between Automatic and Hybrid modes: The Automatic setting uses an algorithm that detects pure voice; so any human voice–whether it’s loud or quiet–will be picked up and transmitted. The Hybrid mode works the same way as Automatic, but it has an applied threshold on top. That means your microphone will only trigger if the client detects a human voice AND the volume of it is over the threshold you set.

The aforementioned audio features are already built into the new TeamSpeak. So we have just added them into TS3 with this update to allow users of one platform the ability to flawlessly interact with users of the other.

All of the above were tested internally and by our beta testers and all work fine; aside from a few minor tweaks. But as with any update it’s entirely possible you may want to adjust some settings on an individual basis to get it just the way you like it. If anyone has any remaining issues or questions just let us know below or submit a ticket here: and we’ll take care of it as fast as we can.

Many thanks



TeamSpeak Server 3.12.1 – Announcements

Today we released a new server build.
That one just fixes an minor issue for the TeamSpeak Beta client.


  • Fixed bug related with new TS5 Client Permission Manager

Here you can download the server.

In our 3.12.x Release thread you can leave your feedback or report any problem with that version.


TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.5.2 – Announcements

I made an account just to comment on this because it’s so outrageous.
Friends and I have been using TeamSpeak for way over a decade now, in this time we grew to a sizable community primarily relying on TS for voice comms. We are right now actively evaluating alternatives and will be migrating very soon. Permanently.
And I want this to be entirely clear, it’s not because of a simple bug but explicitly because of the frankly embarrassing and just pathetic response to it. Ignoring masses of bug reports, closing threads, downplaying and even denying the issue exists in the first place? That is beyond unacceptable.

We were worried when we heard of TS5, fearing it’s a knee jerk reaction to Discord taking ever more and more market share from TS. But after trying it ourselves and this debacle, in our eyes, it’s so much worse. The Beta is embarrassingly bad, lacking tons of features that for us always lifted TS3 above the alternatives, adding “features” nobody asked for or wanted, removing actual features and replacing them with a dumpster fire of an “update”, and all in all just shows that the TS team has no clue about what it was that held what little of their user base they still have. The world doesn’t need yet another Discord wannabe with bad audio, “modern” (web)design, a questionable at best support and dev team and yet here we are.

After the response by the official team to this bug TeamSpeak as a company and as a product is dead to me and my community and we won’t be coming back now or ever.